The Primitive Roost...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Stool is Almost Done!!

I have finished the "hooking" part of the stool:

I'm not going to's not my favorite design....but i do like it!!

Here is a closer look :
I have never had anyone show me how to hook...i seriously taught myself the art by watching utube videos and surfing the blog world. So when i look at my own work, its hard to tell if i am doing it right. I think that i make my rows too close together and way too tight. I am going to try and work on this with my next design and see how it works. 
I do know that it would be more uniform if all the strips of wool were cut exactly the same...but alas....i don't own a "wool cutter" and lets just say straight lines aren't my "thing"!!   Hee hee!!
It's still my passion and i am going to keep creating ....even if its not "up to standards"!  LOL!

If anyone out there knows any hints or has some constructive criticism...i would accept it gratefully!

I can't wait to finish upholstering the stool so i can show you the final project. There is nothing better than making something yourself and showing the results!

I found these wooden bowls on one of my adventures...
I'm going to paint them and "prim" them up a little to sell..unless of course i love them...then i might have to find a spot right here at the "Roost" for them...LOL! 
Just the words my husband loves to hear!! Hee hee

I also found these sconces that i have already primed:
Again....paint these and "prim" them....i also found some "primmy" candle wraps to put around them. I'm thinking black...its my favorite right now. The only problem is i don't know if i should sell them as a set....or seperately?  Hmmmmm???
Oh well.....the craft show is in a two months....and i am well on my way to filling my booth. 
I wish the economy was better though...not many people have the money, or are willing to spend what they have, on crafts. I think we have a learned some valuable lessons about spending during this long recession!

Speaking of that....this summer has been FULL of fun...all without spending tons of money! One of the great days we had was spent at the Monroe Art Festival!! 
It was just my littles and I out scouting the local talent...and boy are they talented!!
I would have taken some pictures..but i learned long ago that artists don't always appreciate that!
But here are some samples of art that my kids had done too them:
Here is little man's glittery tattoo! See how it sparkles in the sun?? He was so proud of that! The darn thing is still hanging on too...almost a week and a half later!!
And here is my beautiful daughter modeling her face painting and matching lips!! WOW!

We had lots of fun and the children asked the artists lots of questions about their crafts! They love to learn new things and how they are done. I hope they never outgrow that!

Well....i'm off to finish straightening up my craft area...i am almost done and will have to take pics to show you when its done! It will make crafting much easier to be able to see what i have at a glance...and to actually have space too craft!! lol

Until next time.....



Friday, August 10, 2012

A Little Bit Of Summer Fun!

Thought i would take a spare minute...Not very many here in the summer time...and show you where i've been.
Summer time brings tons of summer fun in our house...

Here is the view from our new boat we bought this summer.We are just rounding the buoys!!
My two youngest enjoying their very first boat ride!

Making sure the life jackets work...hee hee!
They were swimming in 14ft of water and were a little scared going in...but they are pros now!
My handsome husband!

And what would a summer be without a trip or two, or three, or the local beach??
Those two little ones are my niece and nephew who couldn't be bothered by the psycho aunt with a camera...ha ha!!

I hope you are all enjoying your summer with the ones you love....and squeezing in some crafty moments too!!

Until next time,



Sunday, August 5, 2012

Organizing my wool!!

Hooking has become my new passion...and with it comes the love of wool....and i mean tons of it!! 
It doesn't matter the color...or the pattern..or the feel of it...i just HAVE to have it.

This causes some problems:
1. The cost of wool can be so extreme
2. space
3. Time spent looking for wool
4. space
5. The way my mind races when i find new wool to find just 
     the right project
6. Oh yeah...did i mention space??

I only have a minimal amount of space in my small home to craft...and an even smaller space to store my supplies. Over the years i have become used to storing my supplies in off  the wall places to minimize the area they take up...but you can't always see what you have. This is a problem with wool...because you need to see all the beautiful colors and patterns so you can really put together a wonderful pattern.

Well.....i had all my wool in bags, and a rubbermaid plastic set of drawers. Not exactly a perfect set up.
I had bought a cabinet...not sure the official name...but i think its a server's cabinet??  Or maybe a Hoosier cabinet? Inside i had TONS of crafty iron, glue gun, paints, brushes, doo dads, you name it, it was in there. And while resting my head to sleep one night...a huge light bulb went off! What if i put my wool in there? Then all i have to do is open the doors and Whallla...there it is!

Don't fuss over the stuff on both sides of my cabinet....that is some of the stuff that was inside of the cabinet, and still hasn't found a home!! LOL

Now this is only about 1/3 of my wool, but you can appreciate where i'm going here! And look at all the room i still have to stack it ...nice and neat! It is actually wide enough for two stacks on each shelf, one in front of the other, but you just can't tell...@#$%^&* camera..LOL!
I will have to post more pics when i get it all finished, but its summer and only God knows when i will get a chance for that!

And before i leave, i would like to show you the progress i've made on my current project:
I have hooked the corners and added the leaves. I have the wool strips cut for the stems and vines and will be working on that whenever i can. 
Hopefully i have drawn the pattern right so it will cover the footstool i'm gonna upholster it with. I've never done it before so i am a little worried! 

Until next time, enjoy your summer before its gone!! 

Come again!!
