The Primitive Roost...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Belated Valentine's Day....

I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day.....
        spent with all those you love and hold close to your heart!

This isn't a big holiday in our house....i feel like we always show our love for eachother why should we go out of our way to show eachother love on that day?

With that said....i still always do something special.....nothing big....but something none the less:

I saw these cupcakes on Pinterest and needed an excuse to make them....yeah....that's why i made them!! lol

First you make your favorite flavored cupcake using your favorite batter....
         My fave is devils food cake....CHOCOLATE!!!!

Then you take a cookie cutter in your favorite shape...heart here for Valentine's Day.

Push the cutter down into the top of the cake, lift, then pull up the cake from the SIMPLE! 

Next take icing of your choice, put in a corner of a baggie....push it down, clip the corner off and squeeze the frosting into the outlined shape!! 

These are perfect for making to take to your child's classroom or any function where you would have to transport them.....the icing stays flush with the cake so there is no messy frosting getting anywhere!!! 


I will be making my little cakes like this from now on! 

This finished lovely made its way home today!
  The new owner requested it be done in Detroit Tigers colors....i think did a pretty good job .....

          These "themed" rugs can be a little difficult. Finding the right colors can become quite a challenge! 

       But i'm always up for a i'm on to an Ohio State themed rug!! LOL!! 

The fabric has been purchased and all i have to do is tear and roll! 

The worst part of the whole process!!!
Time to sign off for to get to tearin!

Until next time, 

God Bless!!




  1. Great cupcake recipe and so pretty....Thanks

  2. No problem.....thought i would share because they were so easy to make and very pretty to look at...:)
