The Primitive Roost...

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Great Turn Out!!

I am back from the craft show that i participated in today....WOW! I really had a great time! I met so many new people, got to enjoy friends i haven't seen in awhile...and made some extra money too!
What more can a girl ask for??
 I hope tomorrow brings more of the same!!

Getting ready for a craft show can really be stressful for me....i am a serious procrastinater and that brings its own challenges...but pricing is definitely the hardest part for me. I never know what is the correct i pricing too high?? Too low??

But on the other hand....making the "price tags" is always fun!!
Primming isn't only for the crafts...but also the tag!

I make a strong batch of tea, pour it into my enamel pan, drop in the tags, wait a few minutes, then remove. 
I like to put them on an old towel topped with a paper towel to dry. 
For a really mottled and aged can sprinkle some of the tea onto the tags after they have been placed onto the towel. Just let it pool on the tags and let dry. What a great "old" look!!
You could also use old coffee for an even "older" look....whichever you prefer...or for that matter...whatever you have on hand!! Hee hee!

These add such a nice touch to your "prim" crafts!

I need to get going for much to do before i can rest!

Until next time,


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